Adapted from the events of the first season of the anime series, along with Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train, the game's single player story mode follows Tanjiro Kamado, the series' protagonist, as he joins the Demon Slayer Corps and faces off against various demons in order to turn his sister Nezuko, who has become a demon, back into a human. The story features some exploration elements, and is told through various cutscenes and boss battles with demons seen in the anime series.The Hinokami Chronicles also features a versus mode, where players form teams of two fighters from the roster and battle CPU opponents or other people. The game supports both local and online multiplayer.
The game launched with 18 characters, including six who appeared in the spin-off anime Junior High and High School!! Kimetsu Academy Story. These spin-off characters feature different outfits and ultimate attacks, but otherwise generally play the same as their main-story counterparts. Six characters were later added via free updates, along with seven made available as downloadable content, for a total of 31
you’ll follow the story of Tanjiro Kamado who returns one day from selling charcoal to find that his family has been slaughtered and the only survivor, his sister Nezuko, has been turned into a demon in the process. Tanjiro must now embark on a perilous quest to avenge his family and to find a way to turn Nezuko back into a human. It’s time to become the blade that slays demons.
Demon Slayer has to be one of the most heartfelt, gut wrenching, and emotional stories I have ever come across in recent years, nothing really compares. There are heavy themes of family, relationships, and meaningful bonds throughout that even tug at the player’s heartstrings, even though we could never fully understand the gravity of the whole situation. There was an entire sequence in the game that I struggled to hold back my tears as Tanjiro forces himself to keep pushing forward, trying hard not to look back at what was and instead looking to what could be. It’s no wonder why it became so popular, drawing in so many.
The cast of Demon Slayer really helped to make the story. Original voice actors for both Japanese and English voices have reprised their roles for authentic portrayals of the characters. Tanjiro is a kindhearted young lad, always willing to lend a helping hand where he’s able, always taking others into consideration, putting people before himself. His two companions, Zenitsu and Inosuke, add more flavor with their own very different personalities; Zenitsu is a scaredy cat most of the time, jumping at the smallest noises, until he falls asleep, while Inosuke is a typical macho man character, although he does appear to have a soft side as well. Throughout the game you’ll meet so many different characters, each with their own very unique and quirky personalities, and each getting stranger than those before. And then there’s the demons. The demons come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, having different abilities that you’ll have to navigate. What I loved is that the creators gave the demons a real personality as well, outside of their maniacal “eat all the humans” demon tendencies. Every demon you defeat has a story that ties in to the kind of demon they became. Remember, they were once humans too.
In Adventure Mode, follow Tanjiro Kamado through the story from the “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” anime by diving in and taking control yourself!
This game includes the events of “Tanjiro Kamado, Unwavering Resolve Arc” where Tanjiro would begin his journey, join the Demon Slayer Corps and fight a variety of demons, as well as “the Movie: Mugen Train” where he was accompanied by the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku!
12 characters from the “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” anime, including Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado, are joined by 6 characters from the series’ official spinoff, “Junior High and High School!! Kimetsu Academy Story”, for a total of 18 characters where you can choose any combination of 2 characters to take part in battles! Also, via free post-launch updates, VS Mode is under attack by demons!
Characters can be paired together as they were in the anime or even partnered in ways yet to be seen, which means you can form your ideal tag team!
Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles”, the video game adaptation of the “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” anime, is now on sale
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